La Pianura Pontina

The Pontine Plain

The Wonders of the Agro Pontino

The Pontine Plain is located in Lazio, south of Rome. This area was reclaimed during the 20th century to combat the problem of stagnant water and anopheles mosquitoes, making it suitable for agriculture and human settlement. Today it is characterized by fertile land and agricultural crops as well as famous for natural beauties such as the Circeo National Park. The Pontine Plain has a rich and complex history, with evidence of ancient settlements. This territory mixes agricultural tradition with growing tourism due to its natural beauty and its location close to Rome.

History, Nature and Leisure

The Pontine Plain offers multiple opportunities to be explored in its various aspects: the Circeo National Park with the city of Sabaudia, the gardens of Ninfa and the Piana delle Orme museum.

Half or Full Day

Choose between a full day visit or a half day visit. We will tailor your visit to make the most of the time available to you.

Qualified Guides

You can count on qualified guides who will accompany you for the entire duration of your visit through the wonders of the Pontine Plain.

Easy Access

Easy access to the sites you have chosen from those included in the routes covered by the Guide Centre.

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Points of interest in the Pontine Plain

Sabaudia e S. Felice Circeo

Sabaudia is one of the new cities of the Agro Pontino; was born in 1934 at the same time as the Circeo National Park.
Splendid example of Italian rationalism, its historic center preserves the layout of the time intact.
The city, due to its position between lake and sea and its proximity to Rome, is characterized as a tourist town as its coastline dotted with dunes attracts many swimmers.
In its territory there are the remains of the Villa of Emperor Domitian. Its position, in an integral reserve area within the Selva, is suggestive but not easy to access.
S. Felice Circeois a town with a town divided between the upper part, the ancient village, and the lower, modern, residential and seaside part.
The historic center, small in size, offers exceptional panoramic views.
The main square is dominated by the Templar tower, now a civic tower, testifying to the presence of this famous religious order of chivalry.

Circeo National Park

The Circeo National Park covers an area of ​​over eight thousand hectares divided into five different environments.
The main environment is the Selva which represents the last lowland forest existing in Italy as well as one of the last in Europe.
Several animal species live in the forest including the fallow deer and the wild boar, the latter chosen as the symbol of the park.
The wetlands of the park are part of the UNESCO heritage because they preserve a delicate ecosystem.
The coastal dune, over twenty kilometers long, contrasts with the humid environment by hosting completely different vegetation and fauna.
The promontory, covered by dense Mediterranean vegetation, is characterized by numerous caves.
The island of Zannone is one of the Pontine Islands inserted since 1979 in the area of ​​the Circeo National Park. Uninhabited, it is home to lush Mediterranean vegetation, nests of peregrine falcons and herring gulls as well as a small colony of mouflons.

Piana delle Orme

Piana delle Orme is an extremely fascinating and unique park-museum.
This is a scenographic exhibition set up inside thematic pavilions.
The museum complex was born from a private collection created by the founder Mariano De Pasquale.
It is spread over thirty thousand square meters divided into two sectors that tell the story of peasant culture, the great reclamation works of the Pontine marshes and the events of the Second World War.
All agricultural or war vehicles that you encounter are authentic and in perfect working order.
Some of them are very rare examples such as the Sherman DD of which only three models exist in the world.
Other vehicles have been the protagonists of some famous films such as the tank in the final scene of "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni.
Part of the visit takes place outside where the visitor is attracted by the presence of various species of animals.
New displays enrich the exhibition from year to year.
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